A team of brave warriors (and other classes) of Deeprun Pest Control ventured into the 10-man heroic instance of the Trial of the Crusader, and have now achieved the server first clear of the instance, and gained the Call of the Grand Crusader (10 player) achievement!
The final kill of Anub’arak was at around 04:45 game time (now that’s dedication to the cause).
A video of the kill was recorded, though sadly this fails to reflect the nerdscreams that were heard on our ventrilo server as the beetle finally went down…
In other news, DPC also gained the server first 25-man kill of Anub’arak in normal mode, and we’re now working on the heroics.
Yogg-Saron, the Fiend of a Thousand (Ugly) Faces was slain at the hands of DPC tonight in the server-first heroic kill on Aggramar EU!
It took 3 full nights of tries to get the strategy and execution down, mastering such tricky feats as “moving away from cloudy things”, “not standing next to exploding things” and “looking away from the scary things”. A tough challenge to be sure, but one we were well prepared to rise to.
Some pictures:
Needless to say, some silly celebrations swiftly followed in Dalaran, and we learned a lot of fun things to do as a raid of 25 bunnies.
Anyway, moving swiftly on, congratulations to everyone involved in the kill! Now on to the hard modes…
Week 2 in Ulduar saw another 4 bosses (and a whole lot of fun trash) defeated:
Hodir posed little challenge as we stormed back in on our second week. He was easily taken down on the first attempt despite a frosty reception.
Adding a little more AoE and a little more control into the arena team, we soon slapped this guy silly, and he thanked us for it too.
Quite possibly the most awesomely fun fight in the whole of Ulduar, this mechagnoam was definitely the most challenging of the 4 keepers. But nothing compared to our next challenge…
General Vezax
…No, not the boss himself (though yeah, he was tough too), but those damned trash packs before him. Fortunately our stints in 10-man Ulduar taught us well that:
- Those packs have a huge aggro range
- Fear is bad mkay
- Whatever you do, clear the room from right-to-left
But we soon also learned that:
- Ulduar rogues can shadowstep all the way to the instance entrance (and they have 800 energy… WTB)
- Staying up on the ledge above while the rest of the raid is pulling is a surefire way to get the entire raid toasted in just a matter of seconds
- Packs not resetting properly after a wipe can result in a similarly toasty feeling on the next pull
But undeterred, we cleared it all and scored our latest kill.
Then we briefly peeked in to see Yogg-Saron. From what we saw, it would appear that moving away from clouds is beneficial to your raid’s survival. More useful tips to come!
We’ve been awaiting the arrival of Ulduar very eagerly, so as soon as the instance became available we boosted through it.
Some individual boss comments:
Flame Leviathan
We had a general idea on how to kill this guy (lolvehicles!), but the finer details were quite beyond us on the first pull… So we just winged it true DPC style, and ended up 1-shotting him with the achievement “Shutout” without knowing :-). All in all a boss which seems to have been put in place to get people motivated to keep going, as it’s not really a hard encounter, but extremely fun!
Ignis the Furnace Master
Summary of the first 2 nights on him: “Mensai got raped”. Completely bugged encounter, melee’ing people who get charged, as well as absurdly increasing damage on the MT. We decided to wait til he got hotfixed, and 1-shot him on Tuesday instead
We beat the un-nerfed version of this fight, which seemed perfectly tuned to our liking, but I guess one of the early bosses deserves to be a bit more forgiving. Killing dragons, fun!
XT-002 Deconstructor
Amadrienia had to admit after pulling this guy (?) that she’s earning some gold on the side by being a voice actor for Ulduar bosses. Extremely fun fight, very demanding on DPS and a lot going on. More of this please!
Assembly of Iron
A multi-boss encounter with no Warlock tank, what’s this World (of Warcraft) coming to?? In either case, the easy-mode version of this fight didn’t prove much of a challenge, we 2-shot them.
Big guy who likes to grope people. Became scared when he saw our strategy on him was improving and just despawned when we were about to kill him. Came back the day after though, where we 1-shot him.
Summary of the first few pulls on her: “Mensai got raped”. “By pussies”. Deadly Pouncing Cats vs. Deadly Pouncing Cats became a true heroic deathmatch where we had to master the pull (which is the fight really). Soon as that was sorted we made quick work of her. Still bugged as well, as her 4 sentries respawned midfight, but we had tunafish ready to divert them (thank you Lizarb!).
God damn hippie treehugger boss! We had 15 minutes left after we’d killed Auriaya on Monday, so we decided to pay her trash a visit… Some serious AI going on in that there Conservatory of Life: plants who can use teleporters, find a surrogate parent if their real one gets ganked, and dryads who like to trick our people into dispelling, … suffice to say, we had loads of fun 🙂 The boss herself only took a few pulls to master Phase 1, Phase 2 was pretty much a walkover on easy-mode.
Our 10 man squads did some awesome work as well, having everything but Mimiron down so far.
Mimiron sounds like Blizzard gave the guy who developed Gnomeregan one more chance to prove himself, and yeah well… he failed. Completely bugged encounter, where you either wait until he’s hotfixed, or just keep bashing your heads until you get a lucky break… Which we didn’t unfortunately 🙁
All in all, a very productive first week for DPC, and we’re definitely not giving up while we’re ahead now!
DPC have now successfully completed the “The Immortal” achievement (completing Heroic Naxxramas with no-one dying on a raid boss).
In the words of Yakujim:
“Absolutely intense run, with quite a few heart attacks, bowels protesting due to rising stress levels and girly screams on vent when KT finally died, but an awesome job by all involved.”
Sartharion the Onyx Guardian (with 3 drakes, normal) was slain valiantly tonight by our troops in what was probably the most exciting and intense encounters so far of the expansion, rewarding us with a server first.
Pure hard focus was required on all of our attempts to pull it off and after quite a few oh shit moments and a series of very close tries we managed to down him after what was a pretty expensive weekend! On a similiar note and rather late yes we have actually taken them down in the 25 man version as well!
Here’s to more of the same in Ulduar!
Throw on your glad rags, roast the turkey and wake up your Gran, because Deeprun Pest Control (DPC) are hosting a festive celebration, and the whole server is invited! As usual, DPC will play host to a selection of events including a costume contest (with a TCG prize), firework display involving over 3000 rockets as well as a huge gift give-away for the whole server!
Date: Monday 22nd December
Time: 21:00 game time
Location: Kharanos, Dun Morogh
Trailer: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=LLQPv86MXMw
See the forum thread on the Aggramar forums for more details!
Kil’jaeden the Deceiver, leader of the Burning Legion, was finally vanquished tonight by the members of the Deeprun Pest Control guild.
The battle with Kil’jaeden was pretty intense, but very much an enjoyable and epic encounter.
The loot dropped was:
- Cover of Ursol the Wise – Suture
- Coif of Alleria – Judith
- Hammer of Sanctification – Hyanii
- Borderland Paingrips – Syntanite
It’s been a tough ride through Sunwell Plateau, but I personally along with the other officers, would like to thank everyone in the guild for making this all possible. We stuck together where other guilds faltered, we pushed through all the way to the end, and in the end we achieved the goal (server first Kil’jaeden kill!), and that is something we can truly be proud of.
Bring on the Wrath of the Lich King!
After having reached 27% on Entropius on the Tuesday before patch day, we were somewhat disappointed that we weren’t able to achieve an actual kill before the nerfing (wtb just a couple more days of attempts). Regardless, a kill is a kill, and M’uru and Entropius have been vanquished in a server first!
Good job everyone, we deserved this kill! On to Kil’Jaeden!
Last weekend, Deeprun Pest Control held the Monkey Island event on Aggramar. Visitors came from far afield: both Horde and Alliance alike were present, including many from far-off servers…
Arena Brawl
The first event was a 9-way class vs class battle in the Gurubashi Arena to see which class could successfully open the treasure chest. It didn’t take long for the mages to be victorious, but this may have been because some classes were just having too much fun ganking their favourite anti-class.
A video of this event was recorded by Wietkop from Strawberry Tigers.
Treasure Hunt
The class battle was followed by a scavenger hunt across Stranglethorn Vale. Following the clues given, the brave adventurers set off in search of such rare items as a message in a bottle and a cockatiel, before finally finding the elusive Buygrush to deliver the items in person.
The winner of this event was Lagola (aka. Amadrienia) from Deeprun Pest Control, who won a “The Footsteps of Illidan” TCG card complete with code for[Path of Illidan.
Costume Contest
The penultimate event was the much anticipated costume contest. Judging the winners was tough, there were many great entries, but eventually 3 clear winners emerged. The 2 runners-up were Pandiani (as Medivh) and Tamber (as an Orc Grunt), each of whom won a “Pet Biscuits” TCG card.
The winner of the contest was a dwarf named Balarak, dressed up as an Irridiated Sentry gnome from Gnomeregan (complete with Alarm Bot pet). He was awarded the grand prize of a Beta key for Wrath of the Lich King.
Fireworks Display
The final event was a spectacular cliff-top fireworks display. Tens of thousands of fireworks went up in smoke in a stunning display.
A video of the costume contest and the fireworks display was recorded by a visiting cameraman, Existensa. An outtakes video is also available courtesy of Wietkop.
We’d like to thank Skypheonix for organising yet another highly successful and memorable event, and to everyone who attended: thank you for coming, and we hope you had a good time!
Also thanks to the 2 GMs who turned up to show us their moves!