Since the Ahn’Qiraj gates were opened, the Deeprun Pest Control has been working hard to vanquish the servants of C’Thun.

Progress in the Ahn’Qiraj ruins was very swift and within a matter of days Ossirian the “Unscarred” and all of his minions were defeated.

The war at the Ahn’Qiraj temple began well with The Prophet Skeram falling swiftly. The bug trio of Vem, Yauj, and Kri resisted several attempts on their lives but ultimately also fell.

However, all was not so glorious; repeated defeats against the Battleguard Sartura and even the reborn Prophet Skeram drove weariness into the hearts of even our most hardened warriors. Enthusiasm failed and some even questioned the wisdom of continuing the fight against a seemingly undefeatable foe.

All that changed 3 days ago when Battleguard Sartura was finally slain! Spurred on by this great victory, the past few days have seen renewed energy in the Ahn’Qiraj fight. Our forces valiantly engaged Fankriss the Unyielding in battle and on the second day of combat, the beast was annihilated by superior firepower and cunning strategy.

We continue on in our march to C’Thun…

Last weekend saw the completion of the war effort leading to the grand opening of the Gates of Ahn’Quiraj. Vohbo of the horde guild “The Dominion” was there on hand on Friday night with the sceptre to start the event and ofc chaos ensued! Unfortunately most of the chaos involved moslty lag and server crashes, 2 before the ringing and a 3rd more fatal one which lasted around 2hours shortly after the actual event was started…Still it didn’t prevent guildies getting some nice screenies!

[images missing :(]

Regardless eventually the server calmed down a bit but unfortunately it was still somewhat laggy so we got a group together and headed into the AQ40 instance which was lag free, bless the instance server being seperate! Had a quick play around in ther getting The Prophet Skeram down to 22% on the best try despite having a pretty random group (we ofc weren’t planning on going into the instance at all that night!), needless to say we’re somewhat confident he’ll be going down fast when we start to do the instance this week. Sat/Sun saw us in AQ20 during the day, good fun inside and very different fights to the usual affair, Buru especially! We still had MC and Nefarian to finish off this week but those are out of the way now so time to have a proper play around in AQ!

Tenakakhan from the guild Final Equlibrium managed to compile a video of the event which can be found here.

Well…we did it! \o/

After a great many wipes, weeks of practice, patience and perseverence we got him! Grats to all involved in our first of many Nefarian kills and with AQ coming soon it was excellent timing as well! 😀

Loot dropped was: Breastplate Of Wrath, Stormrage Chestguard, Mish’Undare, Circlet of the Mindflayer and Pure Elementium Band along with his head ofc!

So we went out and celerbrated in style…wiped on a core pack in MC! (nubs!)

Of late we have been doing a great deal of raiding more than we used to, DPC used to be the more casual alternative to the other High End Guilds on the server but its pretty obvious that nowadays its no longer the case. As such when we introduced the NullDKP system it was ideal as we were only raiding a few days now and then and we had a much better flow of people on the table. Unfortunately its starting to creak badly at the seams and its not coping well with the increased amount of raids, loot etc.

As such we’re going to make a move to anewer auction based system away from the fixed prices. Also the way we earn DKP will change, Boss Kills will have fixed values instead of being dependant on loot and in addition people will earn DKP for time spent in the instances (that was one of the main failings of NullDKP, no rewards for the efforts spend on endless wipes on new encounters). More details can be found on the Guild Rules & Info page and I’ve also prepared a guide for the changeover process and what it will mean to the average guild member. In addition the new DKP Values list is now available which details the earning rates and new minimum bids. More details of the Bonus DKP program will follow later.

Chrommaggus added to the casualty list now as part of the continuing progress being made in BWL. It really has sped up dramatically in recent weeks, Razorgore and Vael who once were a huge problem are now on farm status and the only limitation nowadays is time! With the Xmas season we hadn’t managed to do a great deal of raiding so to return to BWL after New Year and get Chromaggus down so fast was superb, nice work all involved.

Also on farm status is Taerar, one of the 4 Emerald Nightmare Dragons, time to get that Nature Res gear up a bit for AQ when it opens! Speaking of which you can check out the servers progress here

Well we continue to rampage through Blackwings Lair having taken down the next 3 bosses in a row with relatively little difficulty compared to the harsher encounters that Razorgore and Vael were. Firemaw was first to go followed by a whole load of trash mobs, still we got a few Elementium Ore out of those so it wasn’t too bad! Next on the list was Flamegor who was followed swiftly by Ebonroc (we took Flamegor first as we were low on tanks at that point).

Now onto Chromaggus…we had to get Incinerate and Time Lapse though, doh! Still its a learning process!

So after Vael came our attempts at Broodlord Lashlayer which included our first ever 1%!!! Rather than be put off by that, instead it pretty much galvanised people and we went back in the next night and after a ropey start (how did we wipe on the trash???) we got him down on our first meeting that night! Loot dropped was Stormrage Boots, Netherwind Boots and Black Brood Pauldrons. Reset was the following night so we had a few goes at Firemaw to work on positioning etc and nail a few trash mobs before then.

Fresh instance on Monday, and so we went back in to face our old friends Razorgore and Vael! Razorgore went down first try giving us yet the first of our bloodfang set for the night (you’ll notice a pattern with the drops!). Vael proved slightly tougher, including ANOTHER 1% wipe, however he went down without much difficulty on the 4th try, 2nd Bloodfang of the night and also the Drgaonfang Blade again. Broodlord was next and didn’t last long, killed on the 2nd try of the night after a quick adjustment to our DPS pattern…and won’t you believe it…more Bloodfang! So great night for all, especially the rogues and we have to admit it went way beyond our original expectations for the night so well done all involved!

Was a bit of a slog but needless to say well done all those involved! Vael was killed finally on only our 3rd try of the night (ok 4th but we kinda discount that first one, ner!) Loot dropped was Waistband of Wrath, Netherwind Belt, Dragonfang Blade. Grats again to all involved and ofc the loot winners as well!

After that we went for our first go at Broodlord Lashlayer, 32% on the first try aint bad at all especially given the chaos of the hatchery rooms! Was a bit late for a retry so instead we went and downed Onyxia to round off the night gettin Spartin his Quel’Serrar (guild first, damn book never drops for us despite Perseus farming it relentlessly for weeks!) 🙂

Well finally the server decided to be kind and let us play again properly in Blackwings Lair last night with Razorgore The Untamed. 1st quick try was a warm up it seems and we got him down on the second attempt of the night! Loot dropped was Netherwind Bindings, Bloodfang Bracers and Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal

So after the warmup that was Razorgore it was onto Valestraz The Corrupted, one of the most unusual and somewhat amusing fights we’d seen for a while. Had a few goes at him getting him down to 15% on the best try of the night which was really surprising considering how hyped this fight is! Needless to say we’ll be looking forward to getting back into BWL and getting him down soon as well!

On the 27th of october, Ragnaros went down for the 2nd time. This time we brought a camaraman with us, download the movie from filefront:

DPC_Vs_Ragnaros.wmv (145 mb)